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Remotely Immobilize Vehicle

The Remotely Immobilize Vehicle feature allows you to control a vehicle's engine remotely, either starting or stopping it from a distance. This is especially useful for situations where you need to secure a vehicle or prevent unauthorized movement.

How to Use Remotely Immobilize Vehicle:

  • Start Engine (Green): Tap this option to remotely start the vehicle's engine. This can be useful in situations where the vehicle needs to be started from a distance.
  • Stop Engine (Red): Tap this option to remotely stop the engine of the vehicle. This is often used to prevent unauthorized movement or to immobilize a vehicle in case of an emergency.

Important Notes:

  • It may take 2-5 minutes for the system to fetch the result from the server, depending on network conditions and other factors. Please be patient while the system processes the command.

Immobilize Vehicle

This feature provides a simple and effective way to control the status of your vehicles remotely, giving you added security and control over your fleet.