Fleet Stack External Tracking
Effortlessly share live vehicle tracking by generating and sharing secure links. Learn to navigate the feature, customize tracking options, create and embed links, and troubleshoot issues for seamless real-time monitoring.
Step-by-step guide to using the External Tracking feature in Fleet Stack for sharing live vehicle tracking information.
Logging into Fleet Stack
Log into your account with your credentials to begin using the External Tracking feature.
Navigating to External Tracking
Go to the Utility option in the navigation menu and select the 'External Tracking' option.
Selecting Tracking Options
Choose the number of vehicles to track, single or multiple, and select the duration and details to display (Geo-fencing, POI, Driver).
Creating the Tracking Link
Click 'Create Link' to generate the output in the form of an embed code and a URL link for tracking.
Using the URL Link for Live Tracking
Copy the URL link and open it in a browser to see live vehicle tracking, including details like speed and direction.
Using the Embed Code for HTML Pages
Use the embed code to integrate live vehicle tracking into an HTML page for website or application use.
Editing Tracking Link
Use the edit function to add multiple vehicles or change the validity of the tracking link.
Sharing the Tracking Link
Once the link is created, copy and share it with customers, managers, or anyone who needs to track the vehicle.
Helpful tips and troubleshooting guidance for using the External Tracking feature.
Optimizing Link Sharing
Make sure the link is shared securely, and remind users that only those with the link can view live tracking.
Troubleshooting Tracking Link Issues
If the tracking link isn't working properly, verify that the vehicle is active and the tracking link's validity period is correct.